Fall 2007 Schraterlab meeting reading list

Topic:  Planning sequential actions - perceptual or otherwise

A list of papers all on the general topic of sequencing actions/decisions
Some of the papers of not of high quality, but I included them to give a
sense of the state of the literature.

The problem of serial order in behavior: Lashley's legacy LashleysLegacy.pdf
Scheduling and programming of rapid finger sequences: Tests and elaborations of the hierarchical editor model Rosenbaum87.pdf

Controlled variables: Psychology as the center fielder views it 0.pdf
Initiating unfamiliar sequences of connected linear motions 2832.pdf
Learning to move amid uncertainty ScheidtEtAl(2001)Jneurophys86p971-985.pdf
Learning to Imitate novel motion sequences Agam-2007-jov-7-5-1.pdf
Does the motor control system use multiple models and context to cope with a variable environment? fulltext-1.pdf
A unified fielder theory for interception of moving objects either above or below the horizon  SugarMcBeath.pdf

Task switching and action sequencing fulltext.pdf
Hierarchical control of cognitive processes: switching tasks in sequences xge_135_4_623.pdf
Dynamics of the Central Bottleneck: Dual-Task and Task Uncertainty  pbio.0040220.pdf

Activity in prefrontal cortex during dynamic selection of action sequences nn1634.pdf
Representation of Immediate and Final Behavioral Goals in the Monkey ... 1535.pdf
Activity in the Lateral Prefrontal Cortex reflects multiple steps of future events in action plans sdarticle-1.pdf

Learning and production of movement sequences: Behavioral, neurophysiological and modeling perspectives sdarticle-2.pdf

Angelic semantics for high-level actions icaps07-hla.pdf
A hierarchical model of human decision-making on an optimal stopping problem lee_cogsci_2006.pdf
Adaptive neural models of queuing an timing in fluent action sdarticle-3.pdf
Automatic shaping and decomposition of reward functions shaping-full.pdf
Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of human decision making using weiner diffusion LeeEtAl_2007.pdf
A computational model of Executive cognitive processes and multiple task performance rev_104_1_3.pdf
Transfer of Learning across compositions of sequential tasks singh91transfer.pdf
Recent Advances in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Barto-hrl-03.pdf
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with the MAXQ Value Function Decomposition dietterich2000.pdf
Automatic Discovery of Subgoals in Reinforcement Learning using Diverse Density mcgovern01automatic.pdf